How to add a family member
Madalin Georgescu avatar
Written by Madalin Georgescu
Updated over a week ago

Now you can add more members using their own e-mail addresses and passwords, so that they can also have access to the activities of the child!

Each person added to the list will be able to see pictures of the child's class activities, know how much he has eaten and slept, even more, be able to record permission to pick up the child from the kindergarten or ask questions to the kindergarten/school staff.

To do this you will need to go through the following steps:

1. Log in to your Kinderpedia account on your desktop/computer

2. Click on his name in the upper right corner and select "My Account"

3. Click on the "Add member" button

4. Fill in the data of the new family member he wants to add and finally click on the green "Add" button

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