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Guide for parents
Vlad Marinescu avatar
Written by Vlad Marinescu
Updated over 2 years ago

Welcome to Kinderpedia! In this guide, we explain the account activation processor and a brief description of the modules available in the application (*the available modules may differ depending on the configuration made by the school/kindergarten)

To activate your account, you need an email invitation from the school/kindergarten (we recommend accessing the invitation using a laptop/computer). It will look like the example below:

Click on "Join Your School", after which the Kinderpedia page will open where you need to set a password.

Enter the desired password twice (the first time in the "password" field, then in the "confirm password" field), then click on "Create account".

After you click on "Create account" the Kinderpedia page for Students and Parents opens.

On the main page, you can see the class's posts and activities on the main page called "Dashboard" when a teacher gives a grade/observation/grade, it will appear in the timetable (which is displayed on the left half of the page) but also in the form of a post on the right side of the page under "Newsfeed".

The list of modules will be visible on the left side, we will make a short description of the most important modules.

For messaging, you will use either the "Quick Messages" or "Chat" module (which is called "Livechat" in the mobile application).

The "Quick messages" module is not used for sending individual messages, it is a module that can send "announcement" or "email" type messages. When you send a "message to teachers", the message will be received by all teachers associated with the student's group/class, and when a teacher sends a quick message to a family, the message is received by all family members. You can also use the quick message module to announce that the student will be absent for a certain period, or for messages like "I'll arrive earlier / later".

The "Livechat" module is a module that works similarly to Whatsapp, i.e. for 1:1 conversations or group conversations.

The rest of the most frequently used modules are:

Media (Photo and Video) - here teachers can add photos and videos (parents CAN NOT upload photos/videos in the Media module)

Document repository - in this mode teachers can upload various files and documents for parents. Parents can also upload documents in this module if a folder for parents has been created and configured (configuration is done by the teacher/administrator)

Activity Calendar ("Daily timeline" in the mobile application) - here you will find the hours / scheduled activities, the ratio of daily meals, sleep, temperature, and potty. If you do not see any of the previously listed data (e.g. the data on how much a child ate is missing or the schedule is empty), it means that they were not filled in by the teachers.

Billing and Payments - here you will find the invoices issued by the kindergarten/school.

Weekly menu planner ("Menu Planner" in the mobile application) - here you can find the menu served by the kindergarten, if there are no data in the menu, it means that they were not added by the kindergarten staff.

Below you will see an example of what the list of modules looks like in the mobile application, to see the list just touch the screen on the button with three horizontal lines on the top left of the page.

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