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How can I send account activation invites to multiple families?
How can I send account activation invites to multiple families?

This article is intended for the school/kindergarten staff.

Alex avatar
Written by Alex
Updated over 10 months ago

To send account activation invites to multiple users/families, first, you need to access the "Families Management" section from the menu.

Then click on "Active children" and filter the list by "Unregistered users". Then, next to "show" select 30 so that it will show 30 families in the page, because when you send invites it will send them to the users in the current page. Then click on the empty box next to the "Family" column to select all families in the current view and you will see the "Invite users" button.

Important: Invitations will be sent ONLY to the 30 families displayed on the page. If there are more than 30 families, you will need to go to pages 2, 3, etc., and repeat the process described above.

Check the status of sent invitations

Once the invitation is sent, to Kinderpedia users, you can check the status of these sent invitations by following these steps:

  1. Open Family management module

2. In the "Users" column you can see 3 different types of green dots next to the parents' names.

First symbol: Green badge with a checkmark, symbolizes that the user has received the invitation and managed to activate their account.

Second symbol: The red dot with an X symbolizes that the invitation has not yet been sent to the user.

Third symbol: The orange dot with X shows us that the invitation was sent to the parent, and was received on the email address, but the parent did not activate his account.

Resend invitation

If the parent did not receive the invitation at the email address, you can resend the invitation to him by the following methods:

Method 1:

Go to "Family Management" > search for the family that has not yet received the invitation and click on "View family".

Select "Invite Parent"

A new window will open where you can edit/change the parent's email address and press the "Send invitation by email" button.

Method 2:

In method 2 you will need to go to "Family Management" > search for the family that has not yet received the invitation and click on "View family".

Click on the orange circle with an x, next to the parent's name who has not activated the Kinderpedia account.

A window is going to open with a link that you can copy and send to the parent so that he is redirected directly to activating the Kinderpedia account, click on "Copy to clipboard" and then send that link to the parent.

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