How to add or modify a billing company?
In order to use the Billing and Payment module, it is necessary to add at least one company from which you will bill the customers. The company/companies defined in this step will be used to define the billing plans for the students.
To add a company, go to "Billing & Payments" > "Dashboard" > "Configuration".
Click on the "Billing companies" tab, at the top of the page.
Click on "Add new company" (if you already have a company configured, skip this step) and fill in all the company information in the fields on the right. If you want to modify the details of an already configured company, you must click on the respective company on the left side.
Also from here you will be able to set the name of the invoices issued for this company, along with the series and number. For example, if you fill in "Invoice" in the "Invoice Name *" field, in "Invoice Series *" you fill in "KP-", and in the "Number *" field you fill in 000001, the first invoice that will be generated for this company will be named: "Invoice KP-000001", and the second invoice will continue with the next number in ascending order "KP-000002".
Finally, click on the "Save" button at the bottom of the page.
How to activate the "Receipts" module?
Optionally, you can activate the receipt module for the defined company to issue receipts for cash payments (or for any payment depending on how you set it). To activate the receipt module, select "YES" next to the "Enable receipts module" option.
Setting the name and number of receipts works in the same way as for invoices. If you fill in "C-KP-" in the "Receipt Series" field and "000001" in the "Receipt No" field, the first receipt will be issued with the number "C-KP-000001", and the second receipt will be "C- KP-000002".
After you have filled in all the necessary fields, click on the green "Save" button. Receipts will start to be generated for added payments AFTER you have activated the receipt module, they are not generated retroactively for payments added before activating the module.
Caution! Receipts are automatically generated when you add a cash payment to an invoice (or any payment if you chose to issue it for all transactions). If you delete a payment on an invoice for which a receipt has already been generated, that receipt will also be deleted, and it CANNOT be recovered. You can re-add the payment to the invoice and a new receipt will be generated, but it will be generated with a new number, the number of the previous receipt will be permanently lost!
Afterwards, you will find the generated receipts listed (and you can download them) in the "Billing & Payments" > "Receipts" section.
How to configure the billing data? (Currency, penalties, email notifications etc.)
To configure the billing data, access "Billing & Payments" > "Dashboard" > "Configuration".
From here, you can set up the following:
The invoice currency that will be displayed on the invoice (different products can be added to the invoice that have a different currency and the automatic conversion will be made).
Invoice due days
Notify parent before due date (email notification within a certain no. of days)
Enable Penalties. To activate the penalties, click on the "YES" button next to "Enable Penalties". You can set the percentage of penalties that will be charged, if they are calculated "All days" or "Only working days", the grace period after the due date (how many days after the due date the penalties will start to be calculated) and if the penalties are added to the amount owed or at the invoiced amount.
The calculation of penalties is as follows:
Penalties to the amount due:
day 1 = invoiced amount * percentage
day 2 = (billed amount + penalty from day 1) * percentage
day 3 = (billed amount + penalty from day 2 + penalty from day 2) * percentage
Penalties for the billed amount:
invoiced amount + (x% / day) + (x% / day) + (x% / day)
Allow parent to edit billing details (First/Last Name, address).
Hide billed time interval on the invoice
You can set a custom text to be displayed in the PDF invoice that the parent downloads.
You can set the automatic payment of the invoice from the family deposit when it is issued (it will succeed if the family has enough balance available).
The automatic sending of the invoice notification to the parent can be enabled/disabled using the "Automatically send invoice notification" button.
You can also activate email notification before a billing plan expires.
After you have finished making changes, click on the green "Save" button.
How to create and configure a recurring billing plan?
In order to generate invoices, you must configure at least one billing plan, any invoice is generated according to the billing plan assigned to the student.
To add/configure a billing plan, go to "Billing & Payments" > "Billing plans" > "Configure standard plans".
To create the first billing plan, click on the green "Add billing plan" button. To modify an already existing tariff plan, click on the "Actions" button on the respective plan and select "Edit".
The first billing plan configured will become the main plan by default. When you add a new student to the institution, he will automatically be assigned the main tariff plan. If you add several tariff plans, you can set another plan as main plan by clicking on "Actions" > "Set as Main Plan".
Now let's go through the steps to configure the billing plan.
On Step 1 (Configuration), you need to set up the following:
Name of the plan (this name will also appear on the parents' invoice)
Schedule (optional)
Select if it is a recurring or termly contract, for now we will go with the recurring contract option, termly billing plan will be explained in the next subsection of this guide
Plan period. Here you will set the validity period of the billing plan (Attention! this is not the generation date of the first invoice, you will set this on Step 3). After the end date set here, the billing plan will be marked as expired/inactive and invoices will no longer be automatically generated for students who have this plan assigned.
Contract value (optional). Here you can set the total value of the contract for the period in which it applies, it can help you if you want to have this information in the contracts report.
Step 2 (Price):
In this step you will set the price of the school fee. The school fee can be set with a fixed price or a variable price based on:
presence based (Fixed price + price / day of presence)
absence based (Fixed price - price / day of absence)
approved absences based (Fixed price - price/day for approved absence)
Caution! Attendances and absences taken into account are those made through "Check-in". You can also include VAT in the price of the school fee.
Step 3 (Billing Data):
Issue Frequency (how often the invoices are generated)
Reference date for billing period + Issue for. The date set here will determine when the invoices will be generated and the period displayed on the invoice. For example, if you set July 1 and select "Previous interval", the invoice will be generated pending on July 1 with the period 01 - June 30, and if you select "Next interval", the invoice will be generated on July 1 with the period 01 - July 31.
Generating pending invoices. Optionally, you can set pending invoices to be generated before the reference date and they will keep their period according to the reference date, this option may help you if you want to review the invoices X days before.
Payee company. From here you select the company from which the school fee will be invoiced, to learn how to configure the companies, click here.
Step 4 (Linked Modules):
In this step, you can activate the integration with the "Activity Calendar" and "Events" modules if you check the empty box next to "Connect with the Events module" & "Connect with the Activities module". This can help you if you have paid activities or events and you want them to be automatically added to the invoice.
If you want to bill the events and/or activities on a different company and at a different frequency, you must click on "Include in the main invoice" button and select another issue frequency, which will display immediately additional options below for selecting the company and the reference date on which the invoices will be generated. Invoices for events/activities will be generated separately from the school fee invoice, if the option "Include in the main invoice" is NOT selected.
Step 5 (Extra Products):
In this step, you can add extra products to the generated invoice (i.e meal and/or transportation). If you want the extra products to be generated on a separate invoice or with a different frequency, you must change the frequency of issuing the products so that they are not included in the main invoice.
Adding a product is done under the "Add new product to invoice" section. Here you can choose a product already configured in the "Product/Items" Tab (see "How to add/configure a product/item?") or you can directly enter the name of the product you want in the "Product name" field, in the next box "U.M." set the unit of measure. In the following two boxes, set the quantity type, which can be:
Based on presence module (Check In) meaning it is based on attendance, attendance + unapproved absences, unapproved absences, al absences.
Based on calendar, meaning the system automatically adds all Business Days from the previous month.
You can add VAT in the next box if needed, then set the price. The final step to add the product to the invoice is to click on the green "+" button on the right.
Below you will find a list of added products, you have the option to choose which company to invoice each individual product from, and at the end of the row you will find the gray "%" button that can be used to apply a discount to the respective product and the red button that looks like a trash can that can be used to delete the product line.
At the bottom you will see the red button "Add discount" where you can add a general discount with a fixed amount (e.g "Sibling Discount").
When you finished the set up, click on the "Finalize" button to save the Billing Plan.
How to create and configure a termly billing plan?
To add/configure a billing plan, go to "Billing & Payments" > "Billing plans" > "Configure standard plans".
To create the first billing plan, click on the green "Add billing plan" button. To modify an existing billing plan, click on the "Actions" button on the respective plan and select "Edit".
The first billing plan configured will become the main plan by default. When you add a new student to the institution, he will automatically be assigned the main tariff plan. If you add several tariff plans, you can set another plan as main plan by clicking on "Actions" > "Set as Main Plan".
Now let's go through the steps to configure the billing plan.
On Step 1 (Configuration), you need to set up the following:
Name of the plan (this name will also appear on the parents' invoice)
Schedule (optional)
Select if it is a recurring or termly contract, for now we will go with the recurring contract option, termly billing plan will be explained in the next subsection of this guide
Plan period. Here you will set the validity period of the billing plan (Attention! this is not the generation date of the first invoice, you will set this on Step 3). After the end date set here, the billing plan will be marked as expired/inactive and invoices will no longer be automatically generated for students who have this plan assigned.
Contract value (mandatory). Here you can set the total value of the contract for the applicable time period, based on this value you will configure the payments schedule on step 2.
Step 2 (Price):
Here you will define the payments schedule, you must fill in the name of the tranches, the date when the invoices will be generated, the payment amount and the discount percentage to that tranche if applicable. If the first installment is the enrolment fee, check the "Enrolment fee" box. To add a tranche, click on the "Add" button.
The sum of the tranches must be equal to the contract value.
Step 3 (Billing Data):
On this step you only have to select the billing company rom which the school fee will be invoiced. To learn how to configure a billing plan click here.
Step 4 (Linked Modules):
In this step, you can activate the integration with the "Activity Calendar" and "Events" modules if you check the empty box next to "Connect with the Events module" & "Connect with the Activities module". This can help you if you have paid activities or events and you want them to be automatically added to the invoice.
If you want to bill the events and/or activities on a different company and at a different frequency, you must click on "Include in the main invoice" button and select another issue frequency, which will display immediately additional options below for selecting the company and the reference date on which the invoices will be generated. Invoices for events/activities will be generated separately from the school fee invoice, if the option "Include in the main invoice" is NOT selected.
Step 5 (Extra Products):
In this step, you can add extra products to the generated invoice (i.e meal and/or transportation). If you want the extra products to be generated on a separate invoice or with a different frequency, you must change the frequency of issuing the products so that they are not included in the main invoice.
Adding a product is done under the "Add new product to invoice" section. Here you can choose a product already configured in the "Product/Items" Tab (see "How to add/configure a product/item?") or you can directly enter the name of the product you want in the "Product name" field, in the next box "U.M." set the unit of measure. In the following two boxes, set the quantity type, which can be:
Based on presence module (Check In) meaning it is based on attendance, attendance + unapproved absences, unapproved absences, al absences.
Based on calendar, meaning the system automatically adds all Business Days from the previous month.
You can add VAT in the next box if needed, then set the price. The final step to add the product to the invoice is to click on the green "+" button on the right.
Below you will find a list of added products, you have the option to choose which company to invoice each individual product from, and at the end of the row you will find the gray "%" button that can be used to apply a discount to the respective product and the red button that looks like a trash can that can be used to delete the product line.
At the bottom you will see the red button "Add discount" where you can add a general discount with a fixed amount (e.g "Sibling Discount").
When you finished the set up, click on the "Finalize" button to save the Billing Plan.
How to delete/deactivate a billing plan?
To delete a billing plan,go to "Billing & Payments" > "Billing plans" > "Configure standard plans".
Here you will find the configured billing plans, to delete a plan, click on "Actions" > "Delete".
Caution! The main billing plan can't be deleted, any student must have a predetermined billing plan assigned to him, that plan is the main plan if there is no other created.
The main plan can be identified with the label "Principal" on the list of configured plans.
To delete a main billing plan, you must first set another plan as main, using the "Actions" > "Set as Main Plan" button, after that you will see the option to delete the billing plan that is no longer main after this change.
If you delete a billing plan that is associated with one or more students at the time of deletion, those students will automatically be associated with the main billing plan.
If you need to enable/disable a plan, go to "Actions" > "Enable/Disable" button.
How to check which billing plan is assigned to students and how to assign/personalize a billing plan for a student?
To check/associate a billing plan, you must access "Billing & Payments" > "Billing plans".
Here you will find a table with the students and the associated plans, the name of the associated plans is in the "Package" column and you can see the generation date of the next pending invoice immediately next to it, in the "Generation pending invoices" column.
In this table, the names of the billing plans in the "Package" column can have 3 colours with different meanings:
Gray: the student is associated with the main billing plan
Green: the student is associated to a standard billing plan
Orange: the student is associated to a customized billing plan
On top of this table, under "Billing Plans" section, you can click on --All-- and filter by a specific billing plan or select "Customized" to display only the customized plans.
To associate a billing plan to a student you must to click on his/her name. In the open page you will find the configured billing plans listed on the left side, select the necessary plan, then click on the "Select this plan" (without customization) button.
How to customize a plan?
To customize a plan, click on the name of the student you want to customize, then select the plan you want to customize from the list of plans on the left and click on the orange "Customize this plan" button.
Now you will go through the billing plan configuration steps. For more details, please check the billing plan configuration steps How to create and configure a recurring billing plan? or How to create and configure a termly billing plan?
Attention! Customizing the plans is only recommended for specific situations, if you have several students who need the same personalized plan, it is better to define a new billin plan and associate it with the respective students. Managing personalized plans is much more difficult if you need to change the plan's tariff in the future, for example, because personalized plans keep their individual settings and you will have to make the change individually for each student who has the personalized plan; while for a normal plan it is enough to change the plan from the list of billing plans found in "Billing & Payments" > "Billing plans" > "Configure standard plans".
How can I bulk associate a billing plan to students?
Go to "Billing & Payments" > "Dashboard" > "Configuration" > "Billing plans".
Now in order to bulk associate a plan, on the right side, click on the green eye icon under the "Children" column on the same row with the billing plan.
A pop-up window will open, here you just need to select the student for which you want to associate this billing plan (or click on "Select all" to select all of them) and click on "OK" when you're done.
If you wish to remove a student from a billing plan where he is already associated, simply click on his name to deselect him and click "OK". Now that child will have no billing plan assigned.
How to add/modify parent's billing data?
To change a parent's billing data, navigate to "Billing & Payments" > "Billing plans".
Here you have to click on the name of the student for whom you want to add/modify the billing data.
In the page that opened, you will see a box with "Billing Details" in the upper right. Click on the pencil in that box to open the billing details editing window.
In the new window, you can fill in all the necessary billing data. If it is a legal person, you just have to select "YES" where it says "Legal person".
If you want the invoice to be sent to another email address or to more then one, you can fill in those addresses in the (optional) email fields. The email addresses filled in in those two optional fields will not be displayed on the invoice but will receive the invoice when it is issued.
How to add/configure a product/item?
The introduction and configuration of products in the catalog is done from "Billing & Payments" > "Dashboard" > "Configuration" > "Products/Items".
Here you will find a list of all added products, to add a new product, click on the green "Add product" button.
A pop-up window will open where you must enter all the necessary information for that product, namely: Short name (SKU / product code), Product category (the product category is important for the sales report, the product will be listed under the category in which it is added from here), product name, Unit of measure (U.M.), Price with VAT, Currency, VAT % (optional).
After you have completed all the information, click "Add" and you will find the product listed in the product catalog and it can be added to a billing plan at "Step 5" of the configuration or it can be added manually to an invoice.
If you want to modify an existing product, click on the pencil button under the "Actions" column.
If you want to delete the product, click on the Trash can button.
Attention! If you delete a product from this list, it will also be deleted from all billing plans to which it was added as a product in "Step 5" in the plan configuration.
How to configure Charts of accounts?
To configure accounting accounts for products (useful for exporting invoices to SAGA, WinMentor, SmartbillConta, etc.), you must access "Billing & Payments" > "Dashboard" > "Configuration" > "Products/Items".
In the "Products/Items" tab, click "Chart of Accounts"
In the new window you will find two tabs, one for "Sales accounts" and another one for "Income accounts". Access the tab you need and fill in the chart of accounts in the field related to the available categories. At the end, click "Save".
How to activate online payments using Stripe?
In order for parents to be able to pay the invoice directly from the application through the "Invoices" section, you must have a Stripe account and connect that account to the company defined in Kinderpedia.
To integrate Stripe account, access go to "Billing & Payments" > "Dashboard" > "Configuration" > "Payment Gateway" tab.
Under the name of the company created in Kinderpedia you will see a button for creating a new Stripe account. After setting up the Stripe account , all invoices issued by that company will be possible to be paid by parents through their Kinderpedia application.
For payments through Stripe, a commission of 1.26% is charged for payments greater than 100 USD, and for payments less than 100 USD the charged commission is a fixed one, namely 1,5 USD.
Kinderpedia does NOT charge any fee/commission for card payments.
Where to find the list of invoices issued/pending? How to filter it according to date of issue, billing company, group/class, status?
The list of issued/pending invoices can be found in the "Billing & Payments" > "Parent invoices" section.
In this list, you will find the filters available at the top.
The first filter from left to right is the one for the issue date, from here you can choose for what time interval the invoices should be displayed.
After you click on the date filter, you have the option to select "Custom range" where you can specify exactly which time interval to display, after selecting the desired interval, click on "Apply".
The next filter is "Select Company", click on "--All--" and from the drop down select the company you want to filter by.
The next filter is for groups/classes, click on "--All Groups--" under "Classes" and select the group you want to filter by.
You also have the option to use the Search box next to the "Classes" filter. In that box you can search by: name of the student/parent, invoice number, invoice amount.
After you have selected which interval/company/group the invoices should be listed by, below you have the option to sort the invoices by their status. To do that click on the button that displays the status and the number of invoices with that status.
To reset the status filter, click on "Clear selection".
How to manually create a pending invoice for one or more students?
Access the section "Billing & Payments" > "Parent invoices". In the upper-right part you will see the green button "New invoice" which you must click if you want to generate one or more invoices.
A pop-up window will open, in that window you can select the following:
reference date for billing period. The reference date will determine the period that will be displayed on the invoice, for example if you select July 1 as the reference date, and the tariff plan is configured to be issued for the previous period, the period from June 1 to 30 will be displayed on the invoice.
the invoicing plan based on which the invoice will be generated. On the left side under the reference date, all the configured billing plans are listed, you can click on any of those plans to generate the invoice based on the selected plan.
Attention! The main invoice will be generated with the school fee together with the extra activities/events/products that are included in the main invoice and which are invoiced by the same company. If you have configured extra activities/events/products in the billing plan for which you generate the invoice and they are set to be generated with a different frequency/firm than the main invoice, they will not be generated together with the main invoice.
the students you want to generate the invoice for. Tick the name of the student/students for whom you are generating the invoice(s) by clicking on their name or click on the green "Select all" button to select them all. You also have the option to filter by a group using the group filter, then click on "Select all" to select all students from that group.
After selecting your preferences, click on "OK" and you will find the pending invoice(s) listed in "Parent invoices".
If you have selected only one student in that list, after you click "OK", you will be sent directly to the invoice editing page where you can make changes to the products/information on the invoice before issuing it. At the very bottom of the invoice editing page, you will see the option to issue/delete the invoice.
For more details on how to change the data/products on an invoice, see "How modify/delete a pending/issued invoice?".
How to modify/delete a pending/issued invoice?
To modify a pending invoice, go to "Billing & Payments" > "Parent invoices". Find the pending invoice you want to modify from that list and click on the orange "Pending" button on the same row as the invoice and select "Edit invoice".
Or you can click on "xxx - pending" and a preview of that invoice will open where you will also see the green "Edit invoice" button.
The edit page for that invoice will open. On this page you can change any detail on the invoice except the invoice number, the number is automatically generated in ascending order from the number of the last invoice issued to that company.
To change the period/date of issue, click on the pencil next to this information.
To change the billing company or customer details, click on the pencil next to "Payee" and "Payer".
If you want to add a product to the invoice, you have the option to add an already configured product to the product catalogue by clicking on "Choose a product" (for more details about the product catalogue see "How to add/configure a product/item?") or you can configure a new product with the "Add new product" button, or you can enter the name of a product manually in the empty field next to it. Once you have selected a product from the catalogue or entered the details manually, click on the green "+" button on the right hand side of the same row, and if you want to cancel that product, tick "Reversed product".
Below you will find the products added to the invoice, on the right side on the same row with a product you will find the buttons for applying a discount (grey button) in case you want to add a discount for that product and the delete button (red button).
When you have finished making changes, click on the green "Save" button.
If you want to delete the invoice, click on the red "Delete" button. Deleting is only available for pending invoices, invoices already issued can only be cancelled or reversed.
The steps for modifying an already issued invoice are the same (click on the status of the ISSUED/PAID/UNPAID invoice and select "Modify invoice", or click on the invoice number and select "Modify invoice"), provided that the invoice is not already paid in full. If it is already paid, you can delete the payment from that invoice, and after you make the changes you can re-pay it. For more details please see, How to delete a payment from an invoice? & How to add a payment to one or more invoices?
How to issue one or more pending invoices?
To issue a single pending invoice, go to "Billing and Payments" > "Parent invoices". Find the invoice you want to issue in the list of invoices and click on the orange "Pending" button on the same row on the right and select "Edit invoice".
Or you can click on "xxx - pending" and a preview of that invoice will open where you will also see the green "Edit invoice" button.
On the invoice edit page, you have to scroll all the way down. At the bottom of the page you will find the "Issue this invoice" button. If your family has an available balance, you will also see the options to add payment directly from the balance when you issue it. If you don't want to send a confirmation + notification email about the invoice issue, uncheck the "Send email and push notification for a new generated invoice" box.
To issue multiple pending invoices simultaneously, filter the list by pending invoices. Once you have filtered the list, you will have the option to tick the empty boxes next to the pending invoices, you can click on the first box in that list to select them all.
Once you have selected the invoices, the issue and delete buttons will appear. Click on "Issue selected invoices" to issue them and click on "Delete selected invoices" if you want to delete them.
A maximum of 30 invoices can be issued/deleted at the same time because a maximum of 30 invoices can be displayed on the page.
If there are students with no billing data added, those students will not be billed when you issue multiple invoices simultaneously with the method shown above. For adding billing data, see "How to add/modify parent's billing data?".
How to add a payment to one or more invoices?
To add a payment to an invoice, go to "Billing and payments" > "Parent invoices" and look for that invoice in the Unpaid Invoices list.
Once you have identified the invoice in the list, click on the green "Make a payment" button on the same row as the invoice.
A pop-up window will open where you need to enter your payment details. You can fill in the date, amount, payment type, currency and payment details (optional).
If the customer has outstanding invoices, when you click on "Make a payment" to any of the invoices issued for that customer, the outstanding invoices will be included in that payment and the total amount will be adjusted according to the outstanding invoices. You can tick/untick in that window for which invoices you want to make the payment and the amount will be adjusted automatically. If you add a partial payment and leave all previous invoices ticked, the payment will be added to the oldest invoice first.
If a partial payment is added to that invoice, you will see the "View payments" button instead of "Make a payment", and if you want to add a payment you must click on it, then click on "Make a payment".
If the family has a deposit amount available and you want to add a payment using that amount, just select "Deposit" under the payment method and you will see the amount that is available in the family deposit.
To add a payment to several invoices at the same time, first filter the list according to the desired range and click on the filter with the status "X unpaid invoices" or "X overdue invoices".
Once you have filtered the list by unpaid/due invoices, tick the box in the first column and you will see the "Marked as paid" button.
Click on "Marked as paid" and the window for adding the payment will open where you have to enter the payment type and date. The amount added will be equal to the amount required until the invoice is completely closed.
How to delete a payment from an invoice?
To delete a payment from an invoice, navigate to "Billing and Payments" > "Parent Invoices" and search for that invoice in the list.
Once you have found the invoice, click on the "View payments" button on the same row as the invoice under the "Cashed" column.
A pop-up window will open where you will find the payment(s) added to that invoice, to delete a payment, click on the red button next to that payment.
What is Family Balance? How to check the family balance and download it in a CSV format?
The balance is the history of invoices issued and payments received from the family. To check a family's balance, you need to go to "Billing and payments" > "Family Balance" and click on a family's name to open the balance.
To download a CSV file with the family balance/history, click on the purple "Save as CSV" button.
How to download a list (CSV) with the families balance?
To download a list of family balances, navigate to "Billing and Payments" > "Family Balance". Now you need to tick the empty box next to "Covert for export" and click the green "Filter" button.
After clicking on "Filter", you will be able to download the list in PDF, CSV or XLS format using one of the buttons available on the top-right.
How to make a deposit payment to a family balance?
To make a deposit or advance payment, navigate to "Billing and Payments" > "Family Balance" and click on the family name for which you want to make the payment.
A window with the family balance will open, to make the collection, click on the green button at the bottom-row "Make a deposit"
Now you have to fill in the necessary information for the Deposit, namely: type of deposit (Deposit/Guarantee), payment method, date, amount, currency, details (optional).
You can tick YES/NO next to "Issue a deposit invoice?" depending on the need.
How to make a deposit withdrawal from a family balance?
To withdraw money from the deposit, navigate to "Billing and Payments" > "Family Balance" and click on the family name for which you want to make the payment.
A window with the family balance will open, to make the withdrawal, click on the green bottom-right button "Withdraw".
Now you have to fill in the necessary information for the Withdrawal, namely: Withdraw from (Deposit/Guarantee), payment method, date, amount, currency, details (optional).
You can tick YES/NO next to "Issue a deposit invoice?" depending on the need.
How to import a bank statement to Kinderpedia?
To load a bank statement import, go to "Billing & Payments" > "Import Bank Statement" and click on the green "New Upload" button.
The next step is to choose the company you are importing for, the currency and select the bank (and file type) from which you obtained the statement.
After selecting the bank, you will need to upload the CSV/XLS file from your laptop/PC. Select the file and click "Upload file".
There is also the option to upload a custom template (the option is seen in the dropdown menu where you select the bank). If you load a custom template, you will have to associate the column type in the CSV/XLS with the corresponding column.
Once you have correctly associated the columns, click on the green "Validate data" button.
After you have uploaded the CSV/XLS file, it will list the transactions in the extract in the first column and the transactions identified in Kinderpedia in the second column. The second column will display the potential transactions based on what was identified in the first column.
Kinderpedia will try to identify the transactions in the statement based on a few factors: customer code, amount, name, invoice number. We recommend that the parent when making a bank transfer payment, enter that customer code or invoice number in the transaction details for easier identification.
If you have identified the correct transaction in the second column, click on "Approve payment". In the example below, the transaction has been identified by the invoice number, so click on "approve payment" under the invoice in the second column.
Where can I find the student/parent client code?
You can find a client's code if you go to "Billing and payments" > "Parent invoices" and underneath an invoice you will see the "Client code" field.
Another place where you can find the client code is on the PDF invoice, in the "Parent invoices" section if you click on an invoice's status and select "Save as PDF" it will download the PDF invoice (the parent can also download this PDF from the email received with the invoice and from their app).
How to identify which payments are made through Stripe?
You can see which payments are made via Stripe by using the income report from "Billing & payments" > "Reports" > "Income Report".
In the Income Report, click on the grey button "View" on the right and select the "Observations" column to be displayed and the payments made via stripe will have a "Stripe ID" under the Observations column.
Where to find a sales/income report and how to download it?
You can find the Sales & Income report under "Billing and Payments" > "Reports" > "Sales Report" & "Income Report".
To download a report, access one of these reports, then select the period from which to download the report by using the date filter on the top and click on the green button "Filter" to apply the filter and then simply click on one of the available options PDF/CSV/XLS.