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School Management Information System
User Rights: Role-Based Access Management
How can I use the custom fields
How do I add a teacher/educator account? How do I associate/add a teacher/educator to one or more classes?
If a parent has a Kinderpedia account at another school, can he use the same account for our school?
How can I activate/deactivate the Kinderpedia modules?
How can I delete the Kindergarten/School account?
How do I change the card information for the Kinderpedia subscription?
How to add an administrator to the kindergarten
How to modify data for my kindergarten
How can I verify the activity and account of a Teacher, as a Manager?
How do I move a child from one family to another?
How to add a child to a particular family if the parents already have a Kinderpedia account?
How to make a NewsFeed post in Kinderpedia
How can I activate the Kinderpedia Premium subscription? How do I change the subscription type? Where can I find a list of invoices issued for the Kinderpedia subscription?
How to Enable or Disable Access for Students and Parents to Specific Modules in Kinderpedia